

Right now !

Come and discover Aikido !

We're offering you a one-week commitment trial.
It's time to discover our Dojo and the discipline
during summer !
New year 2024

Past events !

Classes resume on Thursday, January 4 for the new year!

Another opportunity to try out and discover the discipline!
New year 2024

Come and discover Aikido !

In November, we're offering you a one-week commitment trial.
It's time to discover our Dojo and the discipline
during school vacations!
Portes ouvertes Septembre 2023

Ancienne démonstration

Our Dojo - Dojo Makoto of Marseille - invites you to discover Aikido at the Aki Matsuri, the Autumn festival organized by the Japanese Consulate in Parc Borely.
We'll be there on Saturday, September 30: with demonstrations to introduce you to Aikido and a Dojo stand to answer to your questions.

It's a great opportunity to discover Japanese arts and traditions!
aki matsuri 2023

Inauguration du tokonoma    Come and discover Aïkido !

Thus, in September, you can try our one-week commitment trial.
It's time to discover our Dojo and the discipline.
Portes ouvertes Septembre 2023

Inauguration du tokonoma    The Dojo will reopen on September 2nd 2023 with a morning practice open to all:
  • 9:30 - 10:00 am : tokonoma inauguration and zazen
  • 10h - 11h30 : course
The Dojo will be open from 8:30am.
This morning practice is open to all.
Reprise Septembre 2023